Jeep Cherokee (XJ): Diagnosis and testing
The following procedures may be used to diagnose
the charging system if: Remember that an undercharged battery is often
caused by: INSPECTION To perform a complete test of the charging system,
refer to the appropriate Powertrain Diagnostic Procedures
service manual and the DRB scan tool. Perform
the following inspections before attaching the
scan tool.
(1) Inspect the battery condition. Refer to Group
8A, Battery for procedures.
(2) Inspect condition of battery cable terminals,
battery posts, connections at engine block, starter
solenoid and relay. They should be clean and tight.
Repair as required. (3) Inspect all fuses in both the fuseblock and
Power Distribution Center (PDC) for tightness in
receptacles. They should be properly installed and
tight. Repair or replace as required.
(4) Inspect generator mounting bolts for tightness.
Replace or tighten bolts if required. Refer to the Generator
Removal/Installation section of this group for
torque specifications.
(5) Inspect generator drive belt condition and tension.
Tighten or replace belt as required. Refer to
Belt Tension Specifications in Group 7, Cooling System.
(6) Inspect automatic belt tensioner (if equipped).
Refer to Group 7, Cooling System for information.
(7) Inspect generator electrical connections at generator
field, battery output, and ground terminal (if
equipped). Also check generator ground wire connection
at engine (if equipped). They should all be clean
and tight. Repair as required. The Powertrain Control Module (PCM) monitors
critical input and output circuits of the charging system,
making sure they are operational. A Diagnostic
Trouble Code (DTC) is assigned to each input and
output circuit monitored by the On-Board Diagnostic
(OBD) system. Some circuits are checked continuously
and some are checked only under certain conditions.
For DTC information, refer to Diagnostic Trouble
Codes in Group 25, Emission Control System. This
will include a complete list of DTC's including DTC's
for the charging system.Charging system
On-board diagnostic test for
charging system
Other materials:
Bolts, clutch cover 2.5 L . . . . . . . 31 N·m (23 ft. lbs)
Bolts, clutch cover 4.0 L . . . . . . . 50 N·m (37 ft. lbs)
Bolt/Nut, clutch cyl. mount . . . 23 N·m (200 in. lbs)
Bolt, clutch housing M12 . . . . . . 75 N·m (55 ft. lbs)
Bolt, clutch housing 3/8 . . . . ...